On a recent trip to WV, I was able to take a little time in the morning and go out into the country side and wet a fly or two. I will save you the reason, and the hassles in getting to WV except to say that the raging thunderstorms over the Midwest and east coast nearly prevented my outing.

My buddy Jason(from Killbillies Outdoors) was kind enough to act as 'guide' to the local waters outside Charleston WV. Our day began before the sun had begun to shine and after an hour drive through the hills we met up with a J.T. who had a line on some good browns. While driving over bridges and next to rivers we began to realize that finding good water was going to be next to impossible. The same rains that had made the previous days travel so taxing had also muddied the streams and made the flows rise to nearly unfishable torrents.

J.T. came through though with a only slightly off color stream. So setting out with high hopes and my 2W, we made our attempt to hang a trout or two. Unfortunately the same rains that had muddied every other stream, had also raised the water temperatures of our stream. After a few hours of futile fishing we only managed to hook into a few river smallies. On the plus side this was my first smallies on a fly rod so now I can check off that from my list.

We soon moved on to another free stone river below an old grist mill. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that this local would be an astounding fishery if it had not been for the muddy waters clouding the visibility. The pictures of the mill could be a post card but you might be amazed to find out that they are simple pics from a cell phone.

We ended the day with only a few smallies to our credit but I now have a reason to come back and take revenge on the trout of WV for ignoring every fly I tossed their way. Beyond that, I want to thank Jason And J.T. for sharing their great state with an outsider and also promise them I will take their invitation to return in the not to distant future.

Sorry the rains/trout didn't cooperate, but you're right, those mill pictures are amazing!
A small tear drips down my cheek..
nice job on the small mouths...
your trout day is a comin...
Those are some great pictures, especially for a cell phone. Too bad about the trout but at least you caught some fish.
I didn't know that Nikon made a cell phone. Terrific pics.
It was hard to take a bad photo in a place like that. I was a bit disapointed in the lack of fish but it still was a great little trip. Thanks for the comments everyone.
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