I've seen this fly with the extra material which simulates the stuff usually surrounding the eggs and hear it is quite effective. Might have to give it a try.
I've seen this fly with the extra material which simulates the stuff usually surrounding the eggs and hear it is quite effective. Might have to give it a try.
In honor of the fly that has hooked into a ton of fish in my life, here is a pen and watercolor sketch of a Rainbow Trout & the Olive Woolly Bugger that took him.
My last fish I hooked into had a bit of blood in his mouth so I added this element to the sketch. Just more proof that Buggers kill trout.
Not much to post today. Still sore from hiking into and out of the canyon the other day but its a hurt I can deal with. I'd readily do it again for another trip like that in a heart beat. And I'm still glad I didn't get hit by a snake - those things are worse than than bears.