Spent half a day in Little Rock and went down town to the Flying Fish for eats and drinks. (Tried to go to the Gander mountain but the hotel van driver said 8 miles was to far.) On a few of the walls they had the Bass Addoption wall of fame. I guess the rule is if you bring in a Billy Bass they give you a place to put it on the wall and you get a free plate of catfish. Next time I see one of these babies at a flee market for 1.50$ I'm buying it for the next time I'm in Little Rock.

My wife says that I have a habit of ordering the most interesting thing on any menu I see. I suppose that she knows me pretty well. Ive has snails, various sushi dishes, and even a few Belize termites (they taste like mint). For that have seen my brothers blog I guess it kind of runs in the family, I have never gone Bear Grills on a rattler but if the situation presents itself, I'll definitely try a plate of snake. In the meantime I tried these babies..... These are not chicken wings. I'll let you figure out what they are. By the way they are tasty!!