Done in ink and colored pencil, here is a simple bastard midge.
Bigerrfish and AYOTF Summer on the flies continue with this new fly we call the Fire Chicken. This painting is a 8 x 10 and all watercolors. Check out bigerrfish.blogspot.com for the recipe and a tied example of this fly done on a #22 size hook.
I think this fly will fish, but I leave it to you
An 8 x 8 in. attempt at a soft hackle fly.
Also asking my fellow Bloggers out there for a bit of information on gsmnp. Planning a little trip I hope will come together for a back country trip next month to the shores of Lake Fontana. If anybody has inside knowledge of this area and is willing to share it, shoot me a line.
Of course if I can't make it to the park, there is always the waters of the Chattooga.
I was lucky enough to catch the US soccer game yesterday and enjoy a truly dramatic game winning goal in the final minutes. In a must win or be eliminated, the us rose to the challenge to quench to group. Having played four years of highschool and a few in college I try to keep up with a few teams around the world and needless to say, yesterdays victory made my day.
Anyway, enjoy this fly and try to catch the next game on the 26th.
Here is another roughly sketched fly, this one, a green bug, was done with watercolor pencil and pen.
Here is a variation of the standard Wulff sketched in colored pencil. Taking the advice of a fellow Blogger, I looked beyond the standard dry royal and 'tweeked' it. I believe I am going to try and tie this variation myself and see how it handles. Basically its your royal wulff with a red segmented green hurl body (christmas colors), red head and a bit more wing to cast a bigger above water silhouette.
Here is a small sketch of a a reverse hackle tenkara-style fly. Suggested by troutrageous, I had planned to post a painted version of this fly but time has not permitted it lately. Hopefully I can do this simple fly some justice later but for now, ink and colored pencil will do. http://troutrageous.blogspot.com/ http://www.tenkarabum.com/ishigaki-fly.html
With the aid of my first follower - Josh, over at http://bigerrfish.blogspot.com/2010/06/summer-on-flies-1.html - we have teamed up to do some joint blogging on a shared passion. The art of the fly. Both in tied form, with bigerrfish skill at the vise, and in paint, with my attempts at the drawing board. I had started this blog with the intended effect of learning more about fly fishing as well as improving my artistic talents and with the aid and encouragement of family friends and my Bloggers like josh over at bigerrfish.blogspot.com I am achieving that goal. Keep an eye out for more of these joint posts in the coming weeks. I look forward to the challenge.
Tarpon are considered by many the ultimate big game saltwater fish to hook on a fly. Heavyweight rods with precise sight casting across long distances add to the thrill of these fish. Bonefish and permit are the two other flats fish that with the big tarpon, make up the salt flats grand slam of fly fishing.
As of now I am not in a position to be able to fish any of these flats fish so I have to spend what free time I have reading up on them and dreaming.
This tarpon is a small 7.5"x5.5" watercolor. The fly is a typical long nose, weight aft, tarpon killer.
Also I am going to 'float' this idea out there. If any fellow Bloggers or blog followers out there have a good fish picture you want painted, please email it to me. A year of painting a pic a day is a big project and I often find myself searching for new takes on painting. I can't promise your pic will make it to paint & paper but any pic submitted will get consideration & who knows, the next painting post might just be yours... Enjoy.
Here is another fly done in the same wet on wet technique as yesterdays fly. Also done in the 3"x2" size.
I had planed on posting another large scale painting soon but have been unable to free up enough time to do so. This little parachute will have to do. An absolute must have fly for any dry fly spinner action.
Late post today due to fishn and flyn so here is an easy one. What's the name of this midge?
If you are expecting a fishing report check back tomorrow for pics but the short story is; warm thunder showers, muddy waters, beautiful country, good friends, 2 small smallies, no love from the trout, and plenty of reasons to return to WV.