
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Its Been A While

I wont go into why its been so long since my last post except to say, occasionally a few things in life are more important than fishing and art.  Of course I haven't been all idle in my absence from the web so here is just a few doodles and pics I have done recently to pass the very few idle moments.
.Sketching goofy fish...
A random streamer illustration
An illustration for a friend that is a big Auburn fan but stuck in the frozen tundra.
yes.. I know this has nothing to do with fishing but I am a big fan of old movies and Grace Kelly inspired me.

Hopefully I can break out of this frozen cycle of winter and get to a trout stream soon.  Here are just a few more pics of my recent activities relating to fishing.

I even found time to sneak in a movie... or two.  Ironically I caught up with the Fly Fishing Film Tour in Billings Montana... Don't ask how or why I was there, unfortunately I was not there for fishing but this find was a much needed break from a rough schedule.

And now you are caught up.  Come spring I hope to get in more fishing and even more art.


  1. Glad to see you are posting again! How did you enjoy the Film Tour? I have been itching to see that.

  2. Hang in there Joel. Relief should be on the way. I mean, how much can you guys take?

  3. Good to have you back online....I always enjoy seeing your latest art creation. Anyone can catch a fish , but drawing one is an entirely different story!!


  4. The film tour was good. A bit heavy on the environmentalism and conservation for me.. I mean its a film tour for fly fishermen... We Get IT! Now show more fishing and less talking. You don't need to beat a dead horse. But the last few films were great.

    Thanks for all the support guys


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