
Monday, January 14, 2013

Fall River Bamboo - The End Of A Journey, The Beginning Of The Story

   This past weekend I had the luck of experiencing a 'second Christmas'.   I KNOW you all are tired of hearing about this but I still cant get over it!!  I received a much awaited gift in the mail this past weekend from OBN and Fall River Fly rods and from the amount of stickers and mailing addresses plastered on the pvc shipping tube, this fly rod has been on one heck of a wild ride.
    Last July when I was lucky enough to get a chance to fish this rod, I was one of the anglers near the beginning of its lengthy journey and as I recall the tube was still a rather clean tube.  Well, after traveling the country, gathering stickers and postage, being ruffed up by the mailing service, and coveted by lucky anglers on the way this case has collected a whole lot of character.  Some might just toss this pvc shipping case away but not me.  Its almost has as much appeal to me as the bamboo itself..... what am I saying....  I have a FREAKING BAMBOO FLY ROD!!!
    Even if my dog was none too impressed with my 'second Christmas' gift, I couldn't wait to crack it open.  A little worn from its journey and the amount of gills it has hooked into, the wood case bearing the signs of a well used piece of equipment, but still it is just as beautiful as I remember!
    I literally had only 10 minute between cracking it open and having to leave sprint out the door to catch a flight but I cant wait to get back and delve into the dogeared journal.  I am sure it will be a treasured compliment to the fly rod for generations to come.  What a story to pass on and this wont be the end.  I plan on adding many chapters to the story as I utilize this piece of art to hook valley hawgs and colorful mountain brookies for year to come.  Thanks too you all!


  1. Must feel like winning the lottery! Sounds like a fun rod!

  2. Congrats again.
    Since it didn't end up with me, I'm glad to know the rod still ended up in a Southern home where it will get to tangle with Redeye Bass... the "Brook Trout of warmwater gamefish."
    I can't wait to see its continued adventure with you.

  3. Swamp Yankee - You bet, I cant imagine how those million dollar winners feel because I feel unbelievable!
    Brookfield - Just a little remnant left.. Whats with that?
    Jay - You can bet it will hook into some our beloved southern bass.

    To all the rest of you I promise no more rubbing it in..... at least until I hook into some fish.

  4. Everything about that rod is awesome. I would absolutely keep that tube!


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