
Sunday, March 13, 2011

AYOTF Fly Box For Sale

I was messing around on the Internet a few months ago and a crazy idea entered into my mind about how I can transform my watercolor art into a functional piece of equipment.  Now with that idea stewing around I went on a search for something to put my art on and low and behold I came across a classic style fly box made out of aluminum with small hinged, spring loaded, compartments.  Perfect!
So without any further adue I give you a small experimental run of the Year On the Fly aluminum fly box complete with a digital decal of my Iron Blue Wingless.  
Really this is only a trial run to learn about the printing process and to get one of these great looking boxes for myself.  I have always wanted a good aluminum box with the compartments and this little beauty fits the bill perfectly.  As it is I only purchased and printed 10 boxes and one of them is remaining with me so I now have 9 boxes for sale.  I am offering these boxes for sale for just $20 each plus USPS standard rate shipping of $5.20. (US Only).
If you are interested in purchasing one of these boxes just shoot me an email and I will email you a Paypal money request which you can easily pay with any major credit card or your paypal account.  If you don't like paypal then we can discuss some other method of payment.   I will only accept the first nine email requests since this is a ONE TIME DEAL.  So if you want one of these boxes you need to act QUICK.   
To purchase EMAIL ME HERE.   


  1. Email sent Joel. Very cool and thanks for making them available.

  2. That is probally one of the coolest boxes I have seen

  3. A nice idea.
    A chance for something unique

  4. Hi! Very goof blog!
    Is it possible to send this flies to Poland?
    Visit my blog:)

  5. Glad you like them guys. I really wanted one of these for myself but then though why not offer a few to the blogger faithful.

    Jarek - As far as one being sent over to Poland - If your interested I could research what shipping would be and get back to you. Shoot me an Email if you really want one and I'll set one box aside for you.

  6. Hey Joel, I think the club is going to pick up a couple of these. Preston should be contacting you.

  7. Great job Joel, I love the box. Thanks!


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